Ancestral healing in the context of unlearning white supremacy and healing legacies of war and empire is a life long (and generational) journey. This class, designed for folks socialized in whiteness or in proximity to it, is a way to introduce some frameworks and practices that can bring in some rootedness and resilience so that we may journey well together towards a more liberated and connected future for all beings.
This is a 9 class weekly series that incorporates discussion, reading, somatic exercises and an independent ancestral practice research project that will be presented to the other class participants at the culmination of the series. This is a robust learning experience, with the option of reading My Grandmother's Hands, a book by Resmaa Menakem about unlearning white supremacy on a somatic level. A supplementary reading support group will be offered. Folks are invited to participate at whatever level they can.
This session I am limiting class size to 8 participants, to allow for more spaciousness and more time to relate and learn from each other in the class. If there’s enough folks on the waitlist I will open another section of the class.
Here’s what past students have had to say about the class:
“Thank you Sam for this offering. I gained a space for talking through some of these things that had been heavy on my mind - that was something really missing, a space to process with white people. I hope to use these skills and tactics to grow anti-racism within myself and in the multiracial movements I'm a part of.”
“I really appreciated the facilitation/teaching style Samwise brings to classes. For example, after someone shared something personal, or after teaching something intense or heavy, they would pause, and give space for everyone to digest the information. I also really appreciated the grounding exercises, they felt super valuable. They created a space that felt comfortable to be vulnerable (which is extra impressive in an online space with strangers!). I feel like after this class I'm better at paying attention to how my body responds to new information I receive. I'm excited to be re-membering parts of me that have been disconnected.”
“ah, so much..."fellowship" (is there a better word??) around reading this book, community around moving through this heavy material in a new way; a newly understood/experienced sense of how deep digging/grief/rage must be balanced by deep joy/pleasure/wonder. I think I am still learning what I gained from this's all still percolating.”
This class has been powerful and transformative each time I have offered it. It’s powerful medicine to know ourselves more deeply in these times so we can show up in our full power and be more authentically interconnected with the family of things. Here’s how the class breaks down.
Class 1 - Introductions and Class Overview
Class 2 - From Healthy Roots: When we were connected to the Earth
Class 3 - Disconnection: Legacies of War Trauma
Class 4 - Reconnecting Practices: Grounding in Our Bodies
Class 5 - The Gift and Poisons of Money and how it Contributed to Disconnections from the Earth
Class 6 - Disconnection from our communities: Legacies of White Supremacy and Pathways to Reparations
Class 7 - Student Ancestral Practice Presentations - Group A
Class 8 - Student Ancestral Practice Presentations - Group B
Class 9 - Reconnection, Bringing it all together, Closing and Next Steps
This class is offered on a gift basis, with the ask to co-create the container by contributing a modest amount of money to be able to offer this space-- meaning that I am asking for each registered class participant to contribute $150 to support the creation of a 9 class teaching space, with the invitation to give a gift (or Dana) at the completion of the series if you are moved by gratitude or joy to do so. If you are in a position to give more than $150 to support the participation of other students who may not be able to do so, please indicate that on the form below.
We hope that you join us for this powerful and reconnecting journey back to ourselves.
You can find the registration form here.