Samwise Raridon

Clinical Community Herbalist

Following the healing threads from their celtic, germanic and Lebanese lineages and their commitment to liberatory change, Samwise is weaving their own path of accessible, anti-racist community supported herbalism.

Samwise Raridon has been supporting their community with herbs and healing practices for over 10 years. They have studied with the California School of Herbal Studies, Ancestral Apothecary, and Bonnie Rose Weaver. For three years they ran the Self Heal Herbal Free Clinic—a community supported free clinic that served houseless people in North Oakland.

Coming from a background of organizing for social justice, Samwise is especially passionate about supporting poor folks, houseless folks, queer and trans people, people of color and anyone who values holistic and compassionate healthcare. They identify as queer, nonbinary and trans and as a white european settler living as a guest on indigenous land. They have a vibrant practice that incorporates science, magic, mindfulness, trauma-informed herbalism and ancestral healing that is attuned to love and a world where deep healing is accessible to all.

Samwise runs their practice and teaching offerings on a sliding scale and gift-based model. They offer many consultations and teachings freely in the spirit of generosity and creating more access to herbs and herbal knowledge. The gifts they receive (in monetary form and otherwise) from clients and students support their livelihood and enable them to keep giving their gifts to the community. They do this because 1) this knowledge and practice are life saving and priceless, 2) their ancestors offered their services on a gift basis so that there was no cost barrier when people needed care and 3) they want to start crafting the world and economic system they desire now. For more information on gift based economics, you can read about the great work being done through the East Bay Meditation Center and through the book Sacred Economics by Charles Eisenstein.

Samwise is currently living and working in Lenape land colonially known as Philadelphia, PA with their cats Artemis and Pete the Cat.