Samwise Raridon

Clinical Community Herbalist

Teacher + Facilitator

Folklorist + Artist

Please Note: I am currently taking clients on a very limited basis as I am in Nurse Practitioner School.

  • Ancestral Healing for White Folks - Class Series

    A 10 class series introducing frameworks for beginning an ancestral healing practice as white folks dedicated to racial justice.

  • The Herb at the End of the World - Podcast

    A storytelling podcast about herb lore, healing and liberation

  • Divination - Sessions

    Plant based oracle and tarot card readings to support your life’s explorations using Heather Ender’s deck The Tarot of Plants.

  • Herbal and Ancestral Healing - Consultations

    Individualized sessions that support your physical, emotional and spiritual growth and healing. Consultations can include flower essences or other herbal support recommendations.

“Samwise is a gifted and compassionate herbalist who is ready to support you and your body in this time with their loving reception and sacredly cultivated medicines.”

— Gaia E.