How to Make Elderberry Oxymel

It’s easy!


Whats in your Herbal First Aid Kit?

Samwise Raridon, Community Herbalist, walks through whats in their current home herbal first aid kit. What's in your herbal first aid kit?


Plague Histories and Magic

Want to learn more about the trajectories of pandemics in the past and how people worked (and didn’t) with those energies? Want to learn about how magic was an ever-present element in how people endured plagues? That’s right, you beautiful magical nerd, you do. You’re invited to join me in this historical exploration of two pandemics in history (the Black Death and the 1918 flu epidemic) to look at how they unfolded over time and how people dealt with them. We’ll take a special look at how magic plays an important role in how people met this energy. I’m excited to get real nerdy and share some of the fascinating things I’m learning about these times as well as how they relate to now. And you’re invited to make a magical herbal creation with us at the end of class!